
Escrow Protocol
For Off-chain Value

DeDeal is a decentralized escrow protocol for the exchange of crypto and off-chain value without any third-party intermediaries through self-governed sanctioning.

DeDeal Features

  • 詐欺師への制裁をあなたの手で-DeDeal

    Sanctions Against Scammers Based on Your Judgment

    If fraud occurs in a deal using DeDeal, you can sanction the scammer directly.

  • 第三者なしで安全な取引-DeDeal

    Secure Deals with no Censorship and Low Fees

    High fees and censorship do not exist because no third party is needed to secure the deal.

  • 無限のユースケース-DeDeal

    Infinite Use Cases

    DeDeal works to prevent fraud and ensures enforceability across a variety of platforms, such as Twitter, and between DAOs and DAO workers, even across borders.

  • 取引の強制力を発生させる為のインフラストラクチャー-DeDeal

    Composable Infrastructure of Off-chain Deals

    With DeDeal, even developers without an established reputation can develop and operate off-chain trading platforms.

Rule of DeDeal

Flow of deals using DeDeal


Seller's Purpose

Sell goods at 10USDT

Buyer's Purpose

Buy goods at 10USDT


Seller and buyer each send 10 USDT to the protocol as a seller deposit.


Seller ships goods to buyer.


Buyer chooses whether
to press the sanction button

If buyer presses the sanction button

The protocol will burn 20 USDT from the seller's deposit if the buyer transfers an equivalent amount to the protocol as the buyer's deposit and presses the sanction button. This option would typically be used in cases of seller fraud, such as when a shipment isn't delivered.

If the buyer presses the sanction button, the seller is entitled to press the sanction button.

If buyer does not press the sanction button

The protocol sends 20 USDT in the seller deposit to the seller.

The deal is closed


Seller chooses whether
to press the sanction button

If seller does not press the sanction button

The protocol will burn 20 USDT from the buyer's deposit if the seller transfers an equivalent amount to the protocol as the seller's deposit and presses the sanction button. This option is chosen when the seller feels that the sanction by the buyer is unjustified, for example.

If the seller presses the sanction button, the buyer is entitled to press the sanction button.

If seller does not press the sanction button

The protocol sends 20 USDT in the buyer deposit to the buyer.

the deal is closed

Why DeDeal Works?

In traditional deals, a trusted third party, such as a state or a corporation, ensures enforceability by sanctioning the contract in the event of non-performance.
However, with DeDeal, the parties involved in a deal can self-govern and impose sanctions, enabling secure deals without the need for third-party intervention.
A detailed description of this mechanism can be found in the white paper.